I'm going to do this review a little different because the trailer that I found tells you about the book in the same words that the back of the book itself does and I don't want to be repetitive.
About the Author: Contemporary author Denise Skelton is an avid reader who's often found reading four or five books simultaneously. Born and raised in Baltimore, MD, Denise is a part of a close knit family and is lovingly supported by her husband, sons, daughters and wonderful friends. A former soldier and private investigator; she uses the experiences of her life to craft passion, realism, and suspense into her novels.
~ My thoughts on this book~
I loved it!! I empathized with Liz. I was so proud of her when she walked away from the relationship she was in and made a wonderful life for herself. I found myself wishing I could do the same thing, just pick up and start over...and, who knows, I may just do that someday.
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